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BL/FORM  Perchtoldsdorfer Dancecup, Sportunion FTSC Perchtoldsdorf
A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf,

TL  Andreas May / Perchtoldsdorf
BS  Plöchl Gerald / NÖ
BS  Plöchl Andrea / NÖ
WR  Ludwig Wieshofer / Wien
WR  Heidi Götz / Wien
WR  Christian Lachmuth / Wien
WR  Michael Gmoser / Kottingbrunn
WR  Wolfgang Dietachmayr / Linz
WR  MMMg. Peter Chen / Innsbruck
WR  Jegonyán Okszána / Ungar

 Formationen All Girls La BSP
1.All Girls - Mala Santa, Ladies,  UTSC Dance Unity
2.All Girls - Pokerface, Girls A,  HSV-Zwölfaxing
3.All Girls - I am what I am, Ladies,  Gala TE
4.All Girls - Tina Ladies,  Oktogon Dance Group
5.All Girls - Venus, Ladies,  K.T.T. Spin
6.All Girls - Carmen, Ladies,  K.T.T. Spin

 Formationen 2. BL La offen
1.Pokerface - Team C,  HSV-Zwölfaxing
2.Dynamics - Team A,  FG Wasserburg München
3.Rise - Team A,  TSC blau-grün Wien
4.No Limit - Team A,  TSC Besigheim
5.Invictus - Team C,  TSCC Schwarz Gold
6.And the Oscar goes to - Team D,  HSV-Zwöfaxing

 Formationen 1. BL La offen
1.One Chance - Team A,  HSV-Zwölfaxing
2.Earth - Team A,  FTSC Perchtoldsdrof
3.The Power of Dreams - Team A,  FTSC Perchtoldsdorf
4.Let me think yout it - Team B,  HSV-Zwölfaxing
5.Avatar - Team A,  TSG Badenia Weinheim
6.Queen - Team A,  CMG Radom

World DanceSport Federation
Dance Sport Europe
Bundes-Sport GmbH

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